Concrete Masterclass
Finished design
- Concrete facade panel
The assignment was to redesign a 'fill-in' for a facade in the area of the workshop, the Brussels canal area, that is undergoing a restructuring in both program and built environment.
Joint winner For the 8th Concrete Design Competition entitled: Tactility
With My Project 'Cellular Formations'
The 8th Concrete Design Competition asked students of architecture, design and, engineering to explore and exploit the potential of concrete’s properties concerning any notion of TACTILITY. Entries were received from four colleges in Ireland (CCAE, DIT, WUB & UL) and this time around the prizes were shared by QUB and UL. The jury selected three winning entries, including two from QUB. One for Sinead Cameron.
The jury awarded €750 to both winning projects and have invited them to attend an international concrete Master Class in Brussels during the first week of September. The Masterclass included Hands-on material research and design, supported by experts from the concrete industry. As well as visits and lectures by both local and international architects and construction specialists.
More Info Here
Jurys statement:
"This scheme addresses the critical contemporary environmental issues beyond the field of architecture and its tectonic challenges. The proposal for a “Cellular formed concrete” material, which constitutes a host for biological growth, offers a rich potential of use to tackle some of those issues. The proposed porous cellular concrete could be a low tech/low maintenance green wall, thermal and acoustic insulation, a pollution control device, or an artificial soil for food cultivation. Also addressed are the issues of weathering and decay in concrete, and more generally in buildings which can be transformed into a positive outcome. The presentation and descriptions clearly demonstrate good observation, research and investigation skills which is backed up with a series of striking experimentation models. The response to the brief “Tactility” is innovative, sensitive and engaging: exploring the use of concrete and its technology as a way to try overcome the eternal dilemma between urbanization and nature, between hard and soft, between decline and growth."
The Concrete Masterclass
Process Pictures
The initial concept for our facade tile. was based on the idea of an artificial ruin.
with each layer of concrete creating a different tactile experience. each layer of concrete would expose the layer below creating the effect that the concrete had been left to ruin.
The form-work for the concrete had to be made in layers of textured fabric each with their own unique tactile quality.
These layers needed to be held firmly in place with clamps.
the layers also had to have small holes in them allowing for the concrete to bond all the layers together creating a single complete element.
Final Product
Final group image
Final group image