
Public Exhibition: Concrete Collective
Concrete’s unique ability to be shaped and molded into forms that act like stone, plaster, brick or steel, together with its almost magical transformation from liquid to solid, means that as a material it appears to be without definition and in a state of constant evolution and potential. This exhibition aims to demonstrate that potential through the work of nine Masters of Architecture students from Queen’s University Belfast who have spent nine weeks experimenting with concrete in combination with other materials. Their work proposes new mixes, new formwork, and new application. Both the outcomes and processes are exhibited, allowing the visitor to gain insights into their creative material investigations.

Project statement:
My project is about exploring how cellular bodies self assemble into packed clusters based on their natural reaction to their environment (in this case finding a state of equilibrium within the concrete as it cures.) By casting the negative space between the cellular bodies, interesting forms or cellular solids are formed.
This natural self-organisation of form has been developed through evolutionary means over time, which intricately tie together the form, growth, and behaviour of the organism.
I want to show that concrete can act like a natural organism. Through the natural process of decay, I aim to create a surface that has allowed time to pass through it and therefore modify it creating an evolutionary architecture of pleasurable decay.